General Category > General Discussion

Overview of syntax

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In the early stages, I did a big test with trying to remove the semicolon (;) after each statement. That really
made the code look so much easier to read. I managed to get the syntax/parser to do this, except for a few
corner cases, with the if statement if I remember correctly. I used the same way as Go, just let the
Lexer insert semi-colons at certain points.

I'm actually a fan of ";". It makes macros and generated code so much easier to do.

As a fun experiment, just take a piece of C/C++ code and remove all the semi-colons (in vim: %s/;//g )
Now just look at the code before and after..

I've worked quite a bit in Ruby. If found the lack of ";" makes single line conditionals and loops less nice to work with.


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