General Category > General Discussion

Overwriting fields in init struct.

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Why would this not be an error?

Motivation why it should be allowed is in the first post...

I think this is again a situation that does make the language a bit more complex, while not adding much.
Let's really keep the language as simple as possible. That way, (extra) tooling could add warnings for
unset functions more easily..

I am concerned over the fact that we're excluding an important feature that's used in the linux kernel. I would actually claim that we're *not* adding much complexity, since we can actually prune this in the parsing step already!

I'll have to think about this.. I've put in on the Wiki Roadmap so we don't forget.

I did some searching in the kernel code, but couldn't find actual usages. I've done quite some kernel work also
and never actually saw this in use.


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